Ways To Celebrate National Jerky Day

First started by the Wisconsin Beef Council and Jack Link’s Beef Jerky in 2012, National Jerky Day has slowly been building in popularity. This holiday, which falls on June 12 each year, has developed a few traditions that allow for a truly delicious day. For the uninitiated, here are a few ways to celebrate National Jerky Day.
Eat Jerky
Perhaps the most self-explanatory and obvious option, a fundamental way to mark Beef Jerky Day would be to eat beef jerky. It is an available snack at almost any grocery or convenience store, can be eaten as-is or included in a meal as an ingredient, is a great source of protein, and, most importantly, is delicious. When June 12 comes around, the least you can do to mark the occasion is take a bite out of this tasty snack.
Make Your Own Jerky
For people who want a more hands-on National Jerky Day, it is recommended that celebrants try their hand at making their own jerky. If you are truly committed to the holiday, get a smoker and a dehydrator and try out your own recipes. Jerky is such a versatile snack that even beginners can produce delicious flavor combinations and varieties, which makes this a fun activity to try regardless of the date on the calendarr.
Help People in Need
Like most holidays that celebrate a luxury, it is always important to remember the less fortunate who cannot afford to join in. Of all the ways to celebrate National Jerky Day, the most universally beneficial is to donate jerky and other non-perishable foods to your local food pantry or another charitable group. Not only will this spread security and joy to other people, but it will also make you feel better to know you’ve made a difference.
Try a Different Kind of Jerky
From rattlesnakes to ostriches, jerky makers are constantly trying new meats and recipes to delight the taste buds. People looking to celebrate National Jerky Day should pick up something they have not tried before, such as big game jerky or jerky cut from turkey meat. This is the perfect opportunity for people who are familiar with jerky to try its wilder side.