The Best Beer-Friendly Snacks for National Beer Day

National Beer Day celebrates one of the most common alcoholic beverages in the United States: beer. On this day, people will drink their favorite beers and spend time with friends, and there are some delicious snacks to go along with your beverage. Read on for recommendations on beer-friendly snacks.
Salted Nuts
It’s normal to eat beer nuts while enjoying a drink at the bar, and on National Beer Day, this snack still fits the occasion. Beer has a bitter taste, and the nuts’ saltiness will counteract the flavor and coat the tongue to give the next few sips a nice combination of salty and bitter.
Eat nuts such as cashews and pistachios for a simple taste that won’t detract from the beer’s flavor. Alternatively, salted peanuts will assist in counteracting the salt and add more taste to your drink-snack combo.
Bundles of Jerky
Meat and beer are a combo that many people love as nourishment during a fun time. This meaty beer-friendly snack for National Beer Day has multiple features that will enhance the beer’s flavor.
The spices and marinade in jerky will have different levels of strength depending on the type. When you drink your beer after taking a bite, you’ll experience an array of flavors as you chew. Also, since jerky is a great source of protein, the snack will fill you up faster and give you more energy to celebrate the day. Try wild game jerky for a snack filled with vitamins and minerals to give you the strength you need to continue your fun.
Nachos’ crunchy and cheesy taste is great for any occasion, but on National Beer Day, it’s a snack you won’t get enough of. The saltiness of the tortilla chips will counter the bitterness of the beer, and the cheese will coat your mouth with a creamy texture. Mix in spices such as chili powder or cayenne pepper to the cheese for an exciting twist that will make your beer taste even better as it cools your mouth.
Pretzels With Dip
Eating food that absorbs the alcohol while you drink helps you enjoy more beer without becoming overly intoxicated. Pretzels absorb moisture and remove some of the beer’s potency, making it a beer-friendly snack for National Beer Day.
Combine the pretzels with various dips to improve their flavor. Use cheese, ranch, or honey mustard for a softer crunch and an improved salty snack to compliment your beer-drinking experience.
Many US citizens enjoy a good beer, and on National Beer Day, we celebrate the joys of beer and the opportunity to drink it. Eat these snacks on this food holiday for a better celebration, and make sure you share with a friend as you both grab a cold one from the cooler.