6 Amazing Side Dish Ideas That Feature Jerky

6 Amazing Side Dish Ideas That Feature Jerky

There are numerous options for side dishes and how to make them, and foods like jerky will improve these dishes. In fact, various side dishes go well with jerky to make great complimentary food for your meal. Keep reading to learn more about these wonderful side dishes with jerky.

Fried Rice and Jerky

Fried rice boasts a delectable taste and texture thanks to the vegetable oil used for frying. Fried rice often goes great with stir fry and other fried ingredients, but jerky makes a great addition.

Jerky has virtually no fat due to the process of making it, so it balances out the oil in the fried rice and adds a delightfully crunchy yet chewy texture. A balance of flavor and texture is always a good feature in food, and any food you have with this side dish will complete this fulfilling selection of nourishment.

Don’t Forget the Sauce

Fried rice will taste better with a sauce, such as soy sauce or sweet-and-sour sauce. The sauce you use should also compliment the jerky and combine with the spices and marinade in the strips of meat. Fried rice with jerky is a great side dish, but adding a nice sauce that soaks into the food will elevate the flavorful addition to your next meal.

Soup and Jerky

Soup is a universal food that can include a wide array of ingredients, from vegetables to meats. Thanks to its chewy texture and spices, jerky pairs well with numerous soup recipes. The different types of jerky meat work as substitutes for other meats in soups.

For example, chicken noodle soup will taste even better with a nice chicken or turkey jerky that tastes great with egg noodles and chicken broth. A beef stew with beef consommé will go well with chunks of beef jerky for a bite of hearty soup and meat as you chew. Lastly, a nice potato bisque with bits of beef jerky will go well with pasta or seafood for a smoother-tasting food that will go down easier.

Consider Dipping the Jerky

Soups and broths are ideal for dipping. A creamy tomato soup makes a great dip for grilled cheese and would do wonders for a strip of jerky. Therefore, jerky and a nice soup or broth make a great side dish for various meals. The combination could be an appetizer you eat while you wait for the entrée to finish or a light post-meal course.

Scrambled Eggs Mixed With Jerky

Eggs and meat are a delicious mixture that people enjoy for breakfast, and jerky pairs well with eggs. Your scrambled eggs will make an amazing side dish with jerky, and you’ll find the mixture of the eggs’ soft texture and the jerky’s crunchy chewiness delightful. Plus, the combination of eggs and jerky provides a lot of protein. If you serve it as a side dish with food such as multigrain pancakes or a large bowl of fruit, you’ll get plenty of nutrients to start your day right.

Let the Jerky Carry the Spice

Jerky flavoring varies in spices and marinades. Although most people use spices to flavor their eggs, such as pepper, paprika, or chili powder, it’s best to let the jerky carry the dish’s spiciness. The spice from the jerky will be enough to add more flavor to the dish and create a mildly exciting taste that doesn’t take away from either food.

Baked Potatoes With Jerky

There are numerous ways to craft your ideal baked potato. Meats, cheeses, vegetables, and other food may go into your baked potato as long as it’s small enough. Therefore, jerky will add a nice taste to your baked potato’s inside, and the creamy, crunchy textures will complement each other.

In general, potatoes are great vessels for meat. A nice gourmet jerky will go well with the potato to bring out the rich flavors that come with the meat. Use the potatoes’ starch and the jerky’s flavor and texture to create a side dish that will taste hot and fresh after you unwrap it from the foil.

Keep the Jerky Small Inside the Potato

Sour cream and butter often go well with the insides of baked potatoes to enhance the creamy consistency. Though textural variety is pleasant, too much might throw off the creamy appeal of a baked potato. Smaller bits of jerky are easier to chew and add to the potato for a delicious side dish your taste buds will love.

Jerky Mac and Cheese

For lunch or dinner, macaroni and cheese is a great side dish to have on the table. Mixing mac and cheese with meat is a great way to improve the dish with savory food that pairs well with the cheese.

Cheese and meat have made a great combo for years, and with the macaroni noodles included, you’ll have a filling dish of jerky macaroni. Include this side dish for meals with an entrée of chicken or steak. Alternatively, a lunch made of side dishes will taste better with satisfying jerky mac and cheese.

Choose the Best Pairing of Cheese

Consider the cheese you use and the jerky you include in the jerky mac and cheese for the best dish. Creamy cheeses go best with meats with a slightly sweet taste, such as elk. On the other hand, use earthy-tasting cheeses for beef or lean meats for a strong flavor.

Vegetable Medley With Jerky Bits

A nice vegetable medley with many different vegetables and starches will taste wonderful when combined with jerky. Vegetable medleys with a mixture of jerky offer a nice balance of protein and flavor.

This side dish goes well with numerous entrées since it combines small vegetables and bits of meat to complement any meal with nutritious food. Adding your blend of seasonings will enhance the taste of the vegetables and complement the savory jerky.

Combine It With a Jerky Medley

Combine your vegetable medley with a jerky medley to balance meat and produce. Mix different jerky bits, such as beef, chicken, venison, or turkey into one bowl. Then, combine the jerky mixture with your vegetable mixture for a unique side dish that represents the best of both worlds.

Jerky is a wonderful food that goes well with many dishes, especially side dishes. These side dishes will taste better when you make them with jerky, so give them a try!

6 Amazing Side Dish Ideas That Feature Jerky

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